fruitcake and icecream

Louie Giglio. Fruitcake and ice cream.

its a sad story. but its good. its true. i just want you guys to watch it. give it a go. i watched it recently. its great. i cried.. alot. but then, i cry at alot of things. xxx >SLM

maybe i was wrong? but this time i’ll be right.

i saw this on an add for 2013 spring fashion: 

i feel so. so. so. confused.

and you must be too. so either we’re meant to do rebel rebel AND sweet candy at the same time (which i think would be too weird to even consider) im thinking that 2013 spring is still to be decided.. i thought i had it all summed up, but apparently not.

my advice for now? stick with print skirts and baggy jumpers. or go skater dress with leather jackets.

one last tip… studs are in right now.. but im not sure how long this is going to last so i wouldn’t put my word on it.


short and sweet.. a note from Sara

hey guys! it seems that i’ve been the only gal on the team actually uploading posts on here! and i just dont think its fair to have other people take credit for my work! haha xx so please remind me- but im going to be signing my blogs “love Sara” or “>SLM” so yeah!

so, thats my short note over.. here’s to ending things on sweet notes!

p.s. this is your guide for spring 2013- pink pastels and sweet-themed fashion 🙂

remembering tomorrow and forgetting last year!

so here’s for some real deeps stuff.. HOGMANY!!!  (new years)

so you know how usually you make new years resolutions? yeah, those stupid guidline thingays that you never  seem to be able to stick to for longer than 3 days. haha, trust me its not easy. and then once you’ve broken your new years resolution you’re all grumpy and stuff.

been there, done that… i’ve even got the stupid frikkin tee-shirt. so dont question my motives when i say scrap the new years resolution. i know that this new replacement is gonna seem pretty depressing, but it has worked for me for the past few years. here’s what i do:

i make a list of things that i like about me, a list about things i dont like about me, and another list of how i can turn the negative things about myself into positives. then i decorate the lists, and put them up in bold writing on my wall, so that every day i am reminded of them. its important to act on your aims, or you will never learn how to be a better person.

i dont usually do this, but i think its quite a good idea to try out this year: do the list, but maybe you should keep a journal/diary/blog on how you are doing with your resolutions? it will keep you motivated, and you can do this with a friend, or group of friends.. make it into a competition of who can keep their resolutions the longest!

almost there… 2012 is almost a memory!

remember this faze of metallics? well, i’m glad to say that its soo not over! BUT dont go out on a rush  buying bronze metallic things! what i mean by metallics is not what i have shown you above. that my friends, im sad to announce, is well and truly over. tell everyone! because for 2013, we are going colourful with metallics! 

accessories and fashion flu.

I’ve been struck down with fashion flu, also known as ‘I-have-nothing-wear Syndrome’. Symptoms include staring blankly into my wardrobe, and spending hours on Polyvore searching for inspiration… But I think I’ve found the cure – accessories!

Shoes, belts, scarves, jewellery – they really can bring life back to an outfit you’re fed up of. Accessorising also means you can get creative and put your own stamp on basic wardrobe staples like a little black dress.

I’ve had a rummage through my accessories and picked out my most-treasured – have a look!

collage main

What are your favorite accessories? Let me know below, or why not send me a pic?

Christmas time lasts forever.

christmas lightsok, ok. i know that christmas DAY is over! but are you really over the festive feeling? i know i’m not! so try going halfway: try whites and silvers this pro-christmas holiday!

i have had a fab christmas. but there was one thing i wanted to say in this pro-christmas blog. Christ says he will come again. wwjd? never leave.

get the look… :)

  1. massage facial creme onto your face to protect it from any chemicals in your makeup.
  2.  apply foundation and any concealer.
  3. smudge on a thin line of black eyeliner. do not attempt a flick with this look.
  4. sweep darkest eyeshadow over eyelids in a soft motion
  5. spread medium-tone eyeshadow over the inner half of your eyelids
  6. pop on some white(or cream) eyeshadow onto the inner corners of your eyelids
  7. paint on your lipstick
  8. apply any mascara or blusher!

starburst jewelry

 saw a tutorial for this, and i thought it was complete genius so thats why i’m blogging about it… just type up starburst bracelet on youtube and it should come up! you can make a bracelet, ring, border-frame, or necklace (preferably choker) using this technique- and it doesn’t even have to be with starburst wrappers! i’ve made some with wrappers from cadbury’s Heros.. you can use any square/rectangular sweet rappers.. or even cut out paper! just make sure every bit of paper is the same size! here are a few awesome images i found!