Vintage pleated updo


Today, I wanted to share with you something a bit more personal; more close to my heart. If there are any constant readers reading this post, you shall know that I have a huge soft spot for all things vintage. Which is why I tried to add a bit of vintage into my everyday outfit. With a casual denim dress, I spiced things up with this vintage 1900s updo. Very simply done, and I doubt you will need me to go through the steps. All you need is a lot of Bobby pins, and to be able to plait your hair and wrap it around your head. French pleating the crown of your head is always a good idea! 


My turquoise summer


I close my eyes, breathe in, breathe out, and smile. As soon as I picture the perfect beach, I begin to imagine the sound of the waves rolling into the scattered sand. My dream house is near the seaside for a reason, you see. Beaches have always had some sort of calming power over me, and I don’t suppose that I’m the only one to experience this.Turquoise is the very colour of your perfect sea, and that is one of the many reasons of why I love turquoise so much.It is a colour preferred by many people who I know, and is usually described as a fresh, yet calming colour.


This beautiful colour well with purples, browns, and pinks in particular, however as shown in the pictures I have provided, it can go with almost any colour combination at all! Not to mention that it is an especially spring/summer-y colour that looks absolutely gorgeous in skirts, dresses, and pretty tops!


Well, it’s always good to be original in your fashion style, and I would love to hear about how you all put your own twist on turquoise, so be sure to send me pictures to (pictures will remain private unless you state  otherwise in the email)QOTD: which colours do find the most in your wardrobe?

Eat my shorts


Sorry to disappoint, but sadly this is not going to be a post related to fashion in the 80’s, breakfast club style. Perhaps another time, if the idea sparks up enough interest. However, I want to focus in on one key item in todays fashion world; shorts. Are they a no-go, a recyclable trend for summers only, or are they acceptable in the fashion industry to be worn all year around? No matter the majority vote on opinion of shorts, there are always going to be some people who brave the winter air while parading their bare legs, as there is with any trend there are the followers, and those who stray. My opinion, if valued, is that it is no crime to wear shorts, in the right conditions. Those being that it is relatively warm, and you are either at home, at the beach, or somewhere casual. Shorts can be worn with jumpers, tops, and knitted sweaters, so it is understandable why some people may feel flexible and/or comfortable with them. But they are not a fashion statement. If you wish to appear casual, and quite frankly as if you don’t give a damn about your appearance and reputation fashionwise, go ahead and pull on those shorts. Nevertheless, should you wish to be noticed as a fashion conscious woman/girl then I suggest you leave shorts for around the house. Skirts and dresses are much better alternatives,  especially this season with the cute&classy look really making an impact.

Forget about black and yellow…

…because it’s all about black and gold.


A look that can be channeled into classy, dressy or bling, there has never been anything more flexible than a colour trend. And it looks to me that this season, bursts of black and gold are exploding down the highstreet. Perdonally, I’m totally going for the dressy style, but that’s just opinion; it hasn’t got much to do with the trend. But the true question is; will it be a trend to last? Is it really worth investing good money into?


Now, as a fashion blogger I might be portrayed as biased. People might accuse me of trying to falsely encourage you to invest in trends that won’t last. But let me tell you; I will try my best to sway you to invest into this trend… if you like it.       I believe, that if enough people work together to make this trend last, it will stay. Black and gold; the new black and yellow. Because let’s be honest; yellow can sometimes be a terrible colour.


Pastle revelation


So here I am, scrolling we♥it pictures for inspiration of my next post. Pastle fashion in mind, I think to myself about how I might just sneak another sweet pastle sweater into my closet. That’s when I see this picture. The portrayal of a completely unique idea, I can’t help but fall in love. A skater skirt mashed with dungarees, and I can quite honestly say that I have never in my life ever seen anything remotely like it. And in pastle shades too! This is definitely something that is worth keeping an eye out for.. fingers crossed it will make the highstreet!

Be bold… be a Gaga


Fashion today is all about making a bold, unusual, bright, statement. None of those ‘quiet and casual’ thoughts; not if you wish to maintain a respectable position stylewise. Let’s face it- if you are in the fashion world and are not bold enough to experiment with fashion, you have no chance.
Whether your forté is clothes, hair, makeup or jewellery, you must be open to taking risks. Be a trend setter, stray from the sheep. Following safe and mainstream trends will not bring you any great harm, no, but it shan’t bring you any greatness either.
Now I want you to think a few decades ago; Mary Quant. In a time where long skirts were simply expected, she had the courage to set in place a chain of events that would change the course of fashion forever. The miniskirt was born. If she had not taken such a risk, we would never have the miniskirt, which approximately 50 years later, is still being worn today. Without the countless risks all throughout fashion history we would be nowhere. For goodness sake we’d all probably still be wearing 1500s gowns!


In response to our instinct of self preservation, it is only human natuee for us to cling to what we believe is safe. Even when we know that departure from our ordinary course of action can potentially lead to great advantages, we find ourselves staying with what we find familiar. In restaurants we order foods we grew up eating just incase we don’t like the alternatives- even if we may be missing out on the most incredible, exotic meal. The same is found in fashion. The social risk of wearing something ‘out there’ and outside of your comfort zone can be intimidating. What if it isn’t a hit? What if I look stupid? What if people laugh? But this is the biggest what if; what if I never make a statement? In order to br successful in this competitive industry, your biggest fear should not ne people thinking you look awful, but instead you ought to fear having no recognition at all.


Take lady gaga for  instance. I believe that most people reading this will agree with me that her sense of style is absolutely atrocious, but even though there are many who think that she is off her crackers, there are also many people who look up to her for inspiration. I do not suggest that you wear a meat dress to prom, but perhaps to step out of your comfort zone is not as daunting as you think. So be a Gaga. Be a Mary Quant. Don’t let society stop you from making a statement.

Predicting the future by looking at the past



My style -sort of hyper fememine crossed with the less popular indie look- hasn’t changed much in recent years, and similarly, my shopping habits have grown to be pretty consistent. As soon as I have money in my pocket, I am out in the city spending it. Perhaps not the most wise way to behave, but it brings me pleasure. Until I’m broke and staring longingly at a dress that I don’t have the money for, of course. However my style bends, it does not break nor does it comform to the constantly changing, insecure patterns of the fashion industry. But as fragile these ‘fashion experts’ say the fashion industry is, I would beg to differ. Two years ago, I was wearing my hair partly up and partly down, wearing dark red lipstick. Oh and it seems, that the trend has returned. Last year, there was the unforgettable, and unforgiveable trend of 60-70s makeup. My dears, I sense a pattern is forming. So I ask you to consider this today; do you look to the future and try to predict what kind of nee trends shall surface, or shall you look to the past and ask yourself which trend shall resurrect. After all, it is Easter.

Youtubers, festivals, and Barbie’s inspiration

The radio one big weekend- a huge annual event hosted by the BBC. Just yesterday morning, the tickets were claimed by thousands of music loving festival goers- budding journalists? It seems that this May (Just as the previous years) the spotlight is on the big weekend. Excitement, and a bubbling presentation of opportunities awaits those who grab (or have grabbed) the chance. And don’t you doubt it- for I certainly have! But this my dears is not a boasting post; this just as any other that I write will have content other than my own naive excitement.

Youtuber: Someone who uploads youtube videos, particularly someone who has somewhat of a fan base. Although it can mean anyone in youtube, it specifically means someone who makes videos.

As I bought my monthly issue of COMPANY from my local drug store, it struck me; Zoella, on the front cover of a magazine? But she’s just a youtuber. It seems to me, that the world of youtube is indeed taking over- vloggers from around the world, each one individual with their content are grasping the opportunity of fame and fortune. And let me tell you; they aren’t the only ones relishing in the growing community of youtubers. With obsessive viewers fangirling about the prettiest, hottest, funniest, most interesting of them all, youtube has become the new trend that everyone is getting in on. I would imagine that if social sights such as twitter and facebook did a collaboration with the television, they wouldn’t have much of a different turnout that youtube, but then again that is just my own crazy thoughts. Now- one thing I do want to point out, post describing youtube as a [new] trend; youtube itself is not a new thing. Neither is vlogging- I am quite sure that in the past people would sit infront of their cameras and record themselves talking about their own life, the things they loved ect. But nevertheless, it is something that has seen a surge in popularity over recent years… and even months.
Now, above this text you ought to see a jumper, very pink, very girly and very barbie. This jumper I am afraid, is sold out. From ASOS, this is the exact same jumper as seen my Zoe Sugg (Zoella) a fashion/beauty youtuber who is becoming increasingly popular (Hence her face featuring in the front cover of this month’s issue of COMPANY). The surge in barbie inspired outfits? My theory is that the masses of fangirls who idolize over Zoe Sugg have jumped up at the chance to copy her style; or at the very least try to. All I can say is that I’m sure that Mattel (The manufacturers of Barbie since 1959) won’t be complaining about the publicity.
What Mattel might not be so happy about are the protests going on about the proportions of the barbie doll- apparently this child’s doll encourages eating disorders in women and girls who want to have the figure of this fictional character. Honestly?

The road to greener pastures

Or in this post, the challenge of citrussy pastures. However you want to label it, this post is going to be about you guessed it healthy eating! I.e. dieting without harming yourself.


I just want to draw your attention to that picture above. Bright colours; how does it make you feel? “A lot like summer” was one comment that I almost literally squeezed out of my friend.
It’s attractive, citrus fruits. I’m no going to ask you to swallow 6 mushrooms, 2 vitamin pills, and choke down some sort of vile concoction that will magically make you healthy. This is first of all more easy in the sense that it is not disgusting. Also, the foods and things I am suggesting are attractive.
First of all, I want to talk about lemon tea. A lusciously scented tea with a heavenly taste, it is a mystery to me why it has not been very popular with the British. But in Europe, the lemon tea has boomed, and in many countries has become the traditional tea. Good on them! The chemicals released from the lemon is said to aid your digestion system, so where you might be gaining weight over an ineffective digestive system, the lemon will prevent (or at the least minimise) this weight gain. The warm water acts as a catalyst, and the tea has its own naturally relaxing effects. An all around brilliant way to prepare your tea be it the morning, afternoon, or evening.
Moving on, we have the citrus water. Almost easier than counting to prepare at home, all you need is a glass, running water, some kind of citrus fruit (lemon, lime, grapefruit..) and a knife. After filling up your glass with water you cut a slice of the citrus fruit of your choice, pop it into your water and voilà! A refreshing drink that has almost all the vitamins you need! Everyone knows how vital water is, but many complain that it either has no taste, or that the taste is not pleasant. But putting in a slice of citrus fruit will have its own internal health related benefits depending on the fruit; all while also improving the flavour!
Now; fruit salad. Kiwi, oranges, apples, pineapple, grapefruit… There is no such thing as a fruit that is bad for you- and a whole fruit salad? I say bring it on! This is so refreshing.. and especially great for a sunny day, or a day when you need a pick me up and don’t feel like chocolate.
My dears, diets come and go, but in these revolutionary times when dieting and consciousness of weight is becoming an overly concerning issue, it is my advice to stick to the simple things that you can manage without harming yourselves. Remember; you can’t go wrong with citrus… unless it’s mouldy!

cheap beauty home fix

great exfoliation for dry skin is simple.

  1. Take a rough pebble or hand-sized stone, and also fill a cerial bowl with water.
  2. Now mix half a cup full of salt into the water
  3. all that you have to do now is take the rough pebble/stone, soak it in the salty water, and rub the dry area!

best areas for this method:

  • feet
  • palm of your hands
  • legs
  • back
  • rough skin

areas to avoid using this method:

  • facial area
  • delecate skin
  • stomach and chest